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Gruevski will "grab the ear" and administrators to issue protest!


Scandalous. The ruling Macedonian party VMRO-DPMNE party of Prime Minister Gruevski who from Thursday has mobilized mayors, directors of schools, kindergartens, officials in ministries, police chiefs and army, courts, hospitals and public enterprises which have received " ORDER "to make accurate list of employees who will participate in today's rally of VMRO before Parliament learns Journal.

The list will record the name of every employee who will take part in a violent protest in Skopje today.

However, those who refuse risk various sanctions and even dismissal. Once the need to provide accurate explanations of why they do not participate.

According to this order the right not to take into protests have only those case of death in the family, those who have a sick family members and people in poor health, who will not be able to resist the protests.

An employee at a state-owned enterprise in Skopje on condition of anonymity for Journal says shows how pressure are to take part in protest VMRO-DPMNE