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This Is An Alarming Situation For Your Face If You Have So Much Gluten, Sugar & Wine

Post 03

The choices which we make regarding our lifestyle, it affects our lives. When it comes to our diet plan, so it’s all about what you eat so it will reflect. Remember there are few things which may leave the worse effects after you have them. This post is all about such stuff.
In her book, Reverse The Signs Of Ageing: The Revolutionary Inside-Out Plan To Glowing, Youthful Skin, Naturopathic doctor and skincare specialist Nigma Talib writes, “The second a patient walks into my clinic I can immediately tell the sort of foods they tend to over-eat just by checking the way their face is ageing.” Talib has personally treated celebrities such as Sienna Miller and Charlotte Tilbury and she is recognized as a global expert in skincare. She has classified common food-caused ageing patterns and has categorized them into the following groups; “dairy face,” “gluten face,” “sugar face,” and yes, sadly, “wine face.”
Please note: the information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

1. The Dairy Face

The symptoms may include puffy eyelids, dark circles or bags under the eyes, and little white spots or bumps on and around the chin. It’s very common for people to gradually lose their ability to digest dairy over time and this can result in mild to severe lactose intolerance. This intolerance causes inflammation in your body when dairy products are consumed, hence the swollen eyes. Some milk also contains hormones that have been injected into the cows and these hormones can disrupt your body’s natural hormone production, leading to acne and skin irritation.
via Daily Mail

Tips To Fix It

Do you think you could have an intolerance or sensitivity towards dairy? try avoiding it for three weeks. If dairy is indeed the culprit responsible for your skin problems, not only will your face clear up, your digestion and overall energy levels should improve.

2. The Gluten Face

The symptoms may include puffy red cheeks and dark spots or patches of pigmentation on and around the chin. Gluten is mixture of two proteins that are found in wheat and other similar grains. Gluten gives breads and pastries the elasticity that makes them so delectable. While gluten sensitivity is a relatively new term, it is estimated that 18 million people in the United States suffer from it. Gluten can disrupt your natural hormones and lead to skin discoloration, inflammation, rosacea, and a series of other unpleasant side effects.
via Daily Mail

Tips To Fix It

It depends on the extent of your sensitivity, it is definitely smart to see a doctor and inquire about gluten in your diet. If gluten is responsible for your skin problems, cut it entirely from your diet. Stay hydrated and be sure to consume the recommended amount of fiber daily.