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8 simple strategies to fuel your body during a pandemic

 As a dietitian, I address eating disorders and disordered eating, defined as a behavior that doesn’t quite fit the criteria for an eating disorder diagnosis. I do this by helping students at Binghamton University to eat in ways that support both optimal physical and mental health.

In working with students who have food concerns, I teach them that food doesn’t have to be a problem but rather a source of fuel that supports our bodies and minds. And while the pandemic has shaped our lives in unexpected ways, there are a few simple strategies to help you strike a nutritional balance no matter your situation.

10 Secrets for Healthy Hair...


10 Secrets for Healthy Hair 

Hair is the first thing people see when you walk into the room and it can say a lot about you. Needless to say greasy, dirty, messy and unrefined hair doesn’t speak very highly of you. Keep your personal hygiene up-to-speed and give your hair the fresh, clean and healthy look it deserves without becoming a hair product junkie.

1. Get Your Fatty Acids

Take one to three 250-milligram capsules of borage oil, evening primrose oil, or flaxseed oil one to three times a day. All are rich in omega-3 fatty acids like gamma-linolenic acid, great for keeping hair (and nails) moisturized, says Kathleen W. Wilson, M.D., an internist at the Ochsner Health Center in New Orleans and author of When You Think You Are Falling Apart.

2. Try Citrus Fruit

For soft, natural highlights, squeeze some lemon juice on your hair before heading into the sun. Or use shampoos and styling products that contain citrus fruits, suggests celebrity hairstylist Federico of Beverly Hills. Citrus adds subtle streaks to your hair without adding damage.

3. Monitor Hair Loss

Check the drain after each shower for the amount of hair. The typical person loses from 50 to 200 hairs a day (out of 80,000 to 120,000 hairs on the head). So it’s normal to have a very small clump of hair left on the drain after washing. But if that amount starts increasing, see your doctor. It could mean your scalp has an infection, or that baldness is beginning to set in, or in rarer circumstances, that you have a nutritional deficiency.

4. Apply a Homemade Mask

Mash a ripe avocado (pit removed) with one egg, then apply to wet hair. Avocados are rich in vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals that will help restore lustre to your hair, says Stephen Sanna, expert colourist at the Pierre Michel Salon in New York City. Leave on for at least 20 minutes, then rinse several times. Repeat once a week for damaged hair and once a month for healthy hair.

5. Use Perfume

Mix a few drops of your favourite fragrance into your hair gel before applying. You’ll wind up with hair that not only looks, but smells, great, says Susie Galvez, author of Hello Beautiful: 365 Ways to Be Even More Beautiful.

6. Turn to Essential Oils

Transform ordinary shampoo into an herbal experience by mixing in a few drops of essential oils. Dilute an eight-ounce bottle of shampoo by half with water and add about 20 drops of essential oil of lavender.

7. Hair Home Remedies

Use one part apple cider vinegar and two parts very warm water to help balance the pH level of your scalp and bring out natural red highlights. It may be smelly, but it works, says Federico. Simply pour the vinegar mixture onto your hair, massage it into your scalp, and let it dry for a few minutes. Then wash hair as usual.

8. Put Eggs in Your Hair…Yes, eggs.

Mix one egg with a small amount of shampoo, apply to your hair for five minutes, and rinse well. This “shampoo omelette” helps to feed the protein in your hair.

9. Trim Your Hair Regularly

Men: If you’re going bald, go short. One of the worst mistakes balding men make is the comb-over. A sexier, more modern style is the closely trimmed, Bruce Willis look. An added bonus: Your hair will be easy to maintain.

10. Use Botanical Oils

Bathe your hair in botanical oils. Available at health food stores, olive, jojoba, and sweet almond oils are all wonderful elixirs for hair. If your hair is thick and heavy, coconut oil works wonders. Dampen your hair and apply small amounts of the botanical oil until your hair is thoroughly covered. Cover with a shower cap and warm towel for a half-hour, then rinse and shampoo as usual.

How To Make Overnight Coconut Oil Hair Masks?

1. Coconut Oil And Honey Hair Mask

The combination of coconut oil and honey is perfect for your skin. It will not only control protein loss but also help your hair retain moisture. Coconut oil also tends to cool your scalp. Honey, on the other hand, adds extra shine and prevents split ends.
This is how you can prepare a coconut oil and honey hair mask:
  1. Mix two teaspoons of honey in two tablespoons of coconut oil.
  2. Apply all over your hair, including your scalp and tresses.
  3. Put a towel on your pillow before going to sleep at night.
  4. Wash your hair in the morning using a shampoo as well as a conditioner.

2. Coconut Oil Deep Conditioning Treatment

The deep conditioning treatment is quite beneficial for your hair. It makes your tresses smooth, radiant and very bouncy. It also eliminates the dryness or roughness your hair as, making it easily manageable.
  1. Mix a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil with regular coconut oil. You can take more oil if your hair is long and thick.
  2. Next, you will have to brush your hair and remove all the knots. Massage it using coconut and olive oil. Begin from the ends. After massaging, brush your hair once again.
  3. You may also use more oil if your hair is already too rough or damaged.
  4. Once this has been done, you can sleep as usual.
  5. Wake up the next morning and rinse your hair using cold water first.
  6. Shampoo and conditioning are also important. You could use some honey for your hair before finally washing it off.

3. Coconut Oil And Egg Treatment

This is another amazing coconut oil hair mask that can benefit you. The egg in the mask is rich in protein, and helps make your hair roots strong. The mask also prevents hair fall and other common hair problems.
  1. Whisk some egg yolk along with warm coconut oil and honey. The quantity will have to depend upon the length and thickness of your hair.
  2. Now massage on all parts of your hair. Ask someone to help you with this, since it is a liquid mixture. You can use a brush for application.
  3. Use a shower cap before going to sleep.
  4. Wash off with shampoo and conditioner the next morning.

Some Natural Beauty Tips

  • If you want great results, always leave your hair open after massaging with coconut oil. It is best to let it stay overnight.
  • You can use the hair treatment once every week if your hair is extremely dry.
  • If you want the conditioning treatment to be more effective, you can apply it on very damp hair.
  • The hair treatment ideas enlisted above are ideal for those who have damaged hair or hair that has been chemically treated or heated recently.
There is no need to go for OTC products when you have such an amazing hair mask with you. So go ahead and start using these coconut oil overnight hair masks today!
Have you tried any of these overnight coconut oil hair mask recipes? How did you like it? Have you experienced any significant results after its usage? Let us know your experiences in the comment box below. We would love to hear from you.

Healthy Juices for Gorgeous Hair


A real beauty projects the good health of the body! Due to adulteration, our meals lack nutrition thus leading to loss of health and beauty. To get gorgeous hair some people use expensive high end products and some others go for natural remedies. But the recent popular trend is to drink healthy juices on daily basis which can do wonders for hair and skin. Here is a list of such juices which enhance the health of the hair and skin as well as the overall health.

Indian Gooseberry/Amla Juice

Small Amla is a little wonder for beautiful skin and hair. It is an excellent antioxidant with high source of Vitamin C; due to all these features Amla is highly beneficial for skin lightening. Amla fades scars and marks, exfoliates gently, shows incredible benefits in hair fall, hair loss, alopecia and premature gray hair etc. Cut few Amlas and remove the seeds. Blend it in a mixer and strain the juice with the help of a clean cloth. Amla is a storehouse of Vitamin C, and helps to achieve even toned, non-pigmented skin. Amla strengthens, conditions, cleanses the hair. It also helps reduce early graying of hair

Beetroot Juice

Beetroot is commonly consumed by making its juice or in raw form such as salad. Beetroot juice is naturally strong, sweet and has several beauty and health benefits. To enhance the taste and benefits of beetroot juice, carrot or apple may be added to it. Cut the beetroot into pieces and blend finely. Squeeze the juice and discard the pulp. Carrot and apple can be added to enhance taste. Beetroot is a treasure of Vitamin A, C, K. It is high in folic acid and manganese. Beetroot eliminates itchy scalp and dandruff, promotes hair growth and enhances shine.

Natural home remedies to control gray hair


Gray hair is not a pleasant condition and all the beauty conscious people do all they can to hide their gray hair and look as young as possible. A lot of solutions are available to treat graying hair. There are lots of commercial hair dyes that can turn your grays into blacks in no time. But the most trusted remedies for preventing and controlling gray hair is undoubtedly by the use of natural ingredients. Given below are some of the best natural remedies to control gray hair.

Onion juice

Onions can also do wonders to prevent the graying of hair and to maintain the health of the hair. This remedy is very simple and just requires a handful of baby onions. Peel the onions and blend them in a blender or a food processor to make a paste. Apply this paste generously on the scalp and also on the hair strands and allow it to stay for 30 minutes. You can wear a shower cap to avoid the smell. Rinse this paste with warm water and use a little bit of vinegar in the water to remove the odor. You can use a mild shampoo or conditioner after the onion therapy.

Ribbed gourd oil

This is a time consuming but a very powerful remedy to treat graying hair. Take about three tablespoons of ground ribbed gourd and boil it in about 4 tablespoons of coconut oil. Allow it to boil till it attains a black color. This may take about 3 hours. Cool this mixture and apply this generously on the hair and let it stay for a couple of hours before washing.

Clarified butter or ghee

Ghee on the hair may sound weird, but it’s one of the best ingredients when it comes to controlling graying hair. Applying clarified butter or ghee on the hair twice a week and massaging the scalp with this ingredient can reduce the graying significantly. You can rinse this off with a mild shampoo.

Honey and ginger

This is an oral therapy to prevent the graying of hair. To make this remedy, mix half a teaspoon of grated ginger with one tablespoon of honey. Consume this mixture everyday to keep your gray hair in control.

Onion Hair Treatment For Problematic Scalp and Hair


Our environment is full of pollution and dirt which really affects the hair growth. Hair loss, dandruff, scalp acne, itchy scalp, damaged hair strands and thinning hair are some of the most common problems that women suffer from nowadays. Though you had a beautifully long hair, you might have spoiled your hair with lots of exposure to the posh hair products. No matter what kind of problem it is, the onion treatment will help you a lot. So read more about the treatment here.

Onion Treatment

This DIY onion hair treatment is suitable for oily scalp and normal hair. When you follow this sincerely, it will be possible to combat hair fall, dandruff, and itchy scalp, scalp acne and treat dry hair, which had been subjected to regular dose of anti-dandruff shampoos for a long period of time.

Ingredients for the Onion hair treatment

For this DIY onion hair treatment, you would need the following ingredients, which are easily available. The ingredients are some onions, aroma magic stimulate blended hair oil, olive oil, pure coconut oil, lemon and water.

Benefits of these ingredients for hair

Onions: They are loaded with the stimulating properties of sulphur which aid hair re-growth and strop hair loss. It has anti-bacterial properties that help you to get away with problems like dandruff and scalp acne. These onions are widely used to treat alopecia as a home remedy.
Aroma Magic Stimulate Blended hair oil: It contains a blend of different essential oils alternately, you may use one or more of the following essential oils – Tea Tree Essential oil, Yang Lang essential oil, Rosemary essential oil, Cedar wood essential oil.

This Guy Has A Trick To Turn Your Black Banana To A Yellow One

Post 07

We all know that the bananas are wasted when they are sit for longDozens of bananas end up going wasted just because of this.But the problem is going to be over before you finish reading this post. Here comes a guy who utilizes rice for the storage of banana, and then heat it throw a blow dryer. Now, I really don’t know ho it happens, but the guy actually managed to turn a black banana to a yellow one. This is crazy! Check this trick right below.